Custom nunchaku, octagonal and tapered along the length. Made extra long at 16″ and triple strung with black para-cord.

Wenge (pronounced “wen-gey”) is a notoriously difficult wood to work, easily splintering and cracking, however if worked carefully it reveals a beautiful grain pattern with alternating bands of light and dark wood.

These nunchaku were cut with an octagonal profile, then hand planed to the finish taper before sanding down to a fine finish.

The wood is very dense and resinous so an oil finish will not work. These nunchaku were finished with a single coat of wax which supplements the natural oils present in the wood.

Are you selling Kobudo nunchaku?
Can you post to Australia?
Yes to both, please just be aware that you need to check legal requirements for these items in Australia – I think there is a license requirement? Not sure, you need to check the local laws before purchasing, but yes I can send to you there.